
Building with an eye to the future.


Sustainability is at the core of our business. We’re dedicated to protecting and preserving our planet by reducing our environmental impacts, consuming resources wisely and safeguarding our operations and people. We strive to be the safest place to work in the industry.


We are keen to set the highest sustainable standards. We understand the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of our society. Our objective is to achieve net zero carbon for all of our directly controlled greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. At the same time, we’re developing ways to control and reduce our indirect emissions.


Our people play a key role in implementing our sustainable vision, and we empower them to take positive action to decarbonise. We are experts at reducing waste (99% of our waste was diverted from landfill in 2022) and reusing materials.


We are also implementing measures for the reduction of non-sustainable business travel and tackling site-based emissions through trials of sustainable generator and cabin solutions.